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Job Interview

Nighthawk Coders Content Creation Internship

  • Introduce new students to computer science and its applications
  • Introduce collaboration skills that are necessary in college and career
  • Shape the future of CompSci education in the Poway Unified School District.

Personal Qualifications

As a computer science student with a deep-seated interest in software development, data science, and cybersecurity, I am thrilled about the possibility of this internship. My passion lies in using technology to develop impactful yet creative solutions and projects.

My technical skills, hands-on project experience, and commitment to effective teamwork make me a strong candidate for this internship. I am eager to bring my expertise in Agile methodologies, Scrum boards, and GitHub collaboration tools to your team, contributing to the innovative and impactful projects here.

Creating content and courses for the Poway USD Computer Science Pathway

  • I have lost of experience creating graphics and slideshows for the purpose of CS careers, CS courses, and CS concepts and skills.
  • Skills: Graphic Design, Canva, Figma

College and Career Graphic CCFGraphic

CSA Course Graphic csaGraphic

Scrum Process Graphic ScrumGraphic

Full Stack Ideation Graphic FullstackGraphic

JWT Diagram Graphic JwtAuthFilterGraphic

My Coding Qualifications

  1. Tracking System Overview
    • Develop a system to track and guide students in their Computer Science (CS) educational journey.
    • Enable educators to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum and identify areas needing improvement.
  2. Data Capture and Pathway Recommendation (Art Gallery Project)
    • Collect and store student data such as interests, performance, and progress.
    • Set up a SQLite database to store student data. Design tables to capture relevant information such as interests, performance metrics, and course progress.
    • Implement RESTful APIs to handle CRUD operations for student data.
  3. Suggest a personalized CS pathway
    • recommended STEM classes
    • relevant projects for Project-Based Learning
    • recommend specific learning tracks for frontend and backend development.
    • suggest appropriate tools and programming languages for each student.
    • Recommend AP exams that align with their CS and STEM goals.

    • collect data on student interests, performance metrics, course progress, and any other relevant information. This dataset will serve as the training data for your machine learning models.
    • Use an algorithm such as collaborative filtering to recommend items based on the preferences of similar users. In your case, it could recommend CS pathways based on the paths taken by students with similar interests and performance.
    • Train machine learning models using the training data
    • Use the trained machine learning models to provide real-time recommendations to students. As students interact with the system, continuously update their recommendations based on their evolving preferences and behaviors.
  4. Student Team Formation:
    • Analyze key indicators to recommend student pairings and team formations.
    • Consider both common interests and diverse perspectives to create balanced and effective teams.
    • Use algorithms to match students in a way that maximizes team success and individual growth.
    • data would come from the database made in step 2
    • certain columns in the database can be given a value scale to give each student a total sum based on their interests and perspectives. For example, if they have taken both AP exams, they would receive a higher number on the scale than having only taken 1
    • An algorithm will group students into clusters based on their similarities in their total numerical value

Videos Demonstrating LinkedIn CS Projects

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