Home Tri 2 N@TM

Tri 2 N@TM

Two Trimester focus planning

Test Data for Tri 3

  • Aesthetics: 9/10
  • Fun: 5/10
  • Educational: 10/10
  • Come back again for long term sign up account: 7/10

  • collected sign up data from users and game stats including game sessions and times for each game
    1. Login (Person database)
    2. Leaderboard( Gamesession database)


  • Make the games more fun. For example, add concept of levels to spot the difference game, add more visuals (animations potentially)
  • format the educational vulnerability database to be more user friendly and readable. Currently, it shows a lot of text, formatting it to be less intimidating is something to work on
  • Users should be able to see their best scores on the profile page as well as on the leaderboard. Potentially show every game session of the user to show progress and create motivation
  • leaderboard connect with users to make post request work. make name show up instead of id


  • Better game, spot the difference and password games are both limiting in the sense that they lose user interest fast
  • finish the leaderboard
  • idea is to create an endless runner game. character is a cybersecurity analyst who hops over obstacles including bugs, viruses, etc. after certain distances are run, quiz questions pop up. Failure to answer means game over, correct answers allow you to continue, etc.

Our Team

  • Glows
    • The theming of the home page looks good with the rest of the site.
    • The website is easy to click through and go straight to games and information. Functionality is intuitive.
    • Stepped out of my comfort zones to try and tackle something new. leaderboard mainly.
    • More proficiency in JAVA! Better understanding of the class, controller, and repository files. Good practice for AP exam
    • learned how to self manage a repository with separate branches and pull requests
  • Grows
    • learn how to DEBUG on the backend!! Already started watching tutorials on this. Being able to learn this skill would help us solve all our backend challenges
    • Spend even more time understanding spring boot because even the slightest syntax problem can cause server to fail and all sorts of 500, 504, 503 errors
    • get better at using tech terminology during demos and presentations
    • spend more time choosing a project that has more room to grow, so we can have more ideas and feel more passionate towards working on it.
    • be more efficient with system of pull requests and branches


Here’s some visuals of the people we presented to! event1 event2 event3


  1. something you saw in CompSci that impressed:
    • I thought that the RIFT project was super interesting and advanced
    • frontend design looked very professional
    • Use of external program Tiles to create a game layout. The program has many tiles, each has an array. You can design a layout where a character can and cannot enter based on these arrays
    • leaderboard is developed fullstack, there is a database, sorted on the backend, and GET request on frontend
    • engaging and fun
    • here is images of enjoying the game and asking about how it works project
  2. something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked
    • I walked around and saw these photos of cute cats. I thoughT it was photographed very well cat1 cat2
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Thymeleaf Lesson

2015 FRQ 1