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AP Exam Preparation

I asked chat to write up a potential plan to study for the AP exam starting now till the day of my exam. I think it did a pretty good job. I will likely tweak some things and go off this plan a little but its a good foundation.:

Week 1 (Now - March 14): Foundation and Overview

  • Day 1-2: Review the AP CSA exam format and requirements.
  • Day 3-5: Brush up on basic Java syntax and programming concepts.
  • Day 6-7: Explore sample multiple-choice questions from past exams.

Week 2-3 (March 15 - March 28): Core Programming Concepts

  • Focus on core concepts like loops, conditionals, arrays, and methods.
  • Solve coding problems related to these concepts.
  • Start exploring basic object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.

Week 4-5 (March 29 - April 11): Advanced Java Concepts

  • Dive into more complex Java topics like recursion, file I/O, and exception handling.
  • Practice solving coding problems that involve these concepts.
  • Review the principles of OOP, including classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Week 6 (April 12 - April 18): Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Study basic data structures like ArrayLists and LinkedLists.
  • Understand sorting and searching algorithms.
  • Solve coding problems related to data structures and algorithms.

Week 7 (April 19 - April 25): Practice Exams and Debugging

  • Take full-length practice exams to simulate exam conditions.
  • Analyze your mistakes and focus on improving weak areas.

Week 8 (April 26 - May 2): Final Review and Time Management

  • Review key concepts and frequently missed topics.
  • Take shorter, timed practice quizzes to refine your time management skills.
  • Focus on writing clean and efficient code.

Key Commits

  1. Backend API Model and Database for Leader board (Link)
  2. Frontend GET requests for leader board (Link)
  3. Fronted POST requests for password game (Link)
  4. HTML and CSS Design of web page (Link)

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AP Work

Trimester Two

  • I did the backend for my project last trimester. I worked collaboratively with Aliya since our features worked together. I wrote the API and database code for our leaderboard and the frontend GET and POST requests for the password game. Our team follwed a manifesto and SCRUM process to ensure the projects success.

Ended with 94%+ Tri 2

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

2015 FRQ 4

The difference between Value and Reference Types