Their Stories

  • Worked in a research lab for quantum physics
  • Failed some classes kept going
  • Starting a pHd

  • Palomar for 3 years
  • Associate in math physics and cs
  • Majoring in cs at csusm


  • From the experiences of the speakers, I can see that what matters more is having strong and clear goals on how to move forward with ones career whether it be finding a job or managing finances. It is totally okay to fail a few classes because those failures aren’t what define you, its what you do going forward that is the most important.


  • Highest turnover for cal state college
  • A lot of opportunities for internships
  • Qualcomm, some other stuff
  • Pathways include:
    • chem
    • biochem
    • physics
    • circuits
    • cs (software, engineering)
    • cybersecurity
    • Engineering (mechanical and electrical)
  • Clubs include
    • Cybersecurity
    • Robotics
    • Women in Stem
    • Society of Physics
    • Society of women engineers
    • Ostem (LGBTQ+ in STEM)
  • Internships:
    • 4 weeks to 2 years
    • How to join?
      • Join clubs
      • Check emails
      • Go to campus events
      • Google
    • Tips
      • Try to avoid unpaid internships
      • Apply if you feel under qualified
      • Ask faculty members for help
      • Go to writing center for applications
  • Programs:
    • Summer scholars program
      • Paid
    • Quantum Bridge Program
      • Paid
      • 4 weeks
      • Quantum information sciences Money
  • Grant: government funded money
  • Scholarship: privately funded money
  • Grades matter
  • Income
  • FAFSA -> more economic opportunities
  • Loans
    • Unsubsidized: insures interest
    • Subsidized: does not insure interest