Unit 3 Sections 3-4
- algorithms: set of instructions that can accomplish a specific task
- Pseudocode: A blend of human language and coding format.
- Strings: A string is a collection of characters. character can be anything from numbers, letters, spaces,
- String concatenation: combining 2 or more strings to make a new strings in order to create a new string
- Substrings: A substring is a part of and already existing string.
Mathematical Expressions and Strings
- algorithms
- set of instructions that can accomplish a specific task
- Arithmetic operations in programming are performed in the same order as operations in mathematics
- Three different types
- sequence: Algorithms do tasks in the order of specification
- selection: select two diff outcomes based on one decision
- iteration: if a certain condition is proved true then a second step will be repeated
- can be represented in two ways
- Pseudocode: A blend of human language and coding format.
- flow charts
- Different way variables are stored
- Numerical value stored in a variable
- Value of another variable stored in a variable
- Result of an operation stored in a variable
- Result of a procedure call stored in a variable
score = 0 # 1
score = newScore # 2
score = newScore + 2 # 3
avgScore = allscores(20, 60, 80) # 4
- Strings
- A string is a collection of characters. character can be anything from numbers, letters, spaces, special symbols, etc.
to find the length of a string -
to convert to lowercase -
returns the length of a string
- String Concatenation
- String concatenation is combining 2 or more strings to make a new strings in order to create a new string
returns a string made up of the concatenated strings -
- Substrings
- A substring is a part of and already existing string.
returns the characters from the string begining at the first position to the last. Ex:("abcdefghijk", 2, 5)
would print bced
Noun = "Mr.Mortenson"
Adjective = "handsome"
Adjective2 = "Very"
Verb = "is"
abrev = Noun[0:6]
yoda = Adjective2 + " " + Adjective + " " + abrev + " " + Verb + "."
cookie = "choclate"
cookie2 = "rasin"
len1 = len(cookie) / 2
len2 = len(cookie2) * 45
vote1 = cookie + " vote " + str(len2)
vote2 = cookie2 + " vote " + str(len1)
votes = vote1 + " " + vote2