
  • Procedural Abstraction: provides a name for a process and allows a procedure to be used only knowing what it does and not how it does it
  • Parameters: input values of a procedure
  • Arguments: specify the values of the parameters when a procedure is called

Calling and Developing Procedures

  • procedure: named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values
    • can be referred to as method or function
  • Parameters: input values of a procedure
  • Arguments: specify the values of the parameters when a procedure is called
  • Procedure calls
    • interrupts the sequential execution of statements causing the program to execute the statements within the procedure before continuing. One the last statement in the procedure (or a return statement) has executed, flow or control is returned to the point immediately following where the procedure was called.
    • consider whether the call returns data or a block of statements -block of statements: call the procedure by referring to the procedure name and inputting the arguments
      • Data(boolean or value): assign that value to a variable
  • Problem 1
    • convert pseudo code to python
    • procedure convertFahrenheit converts fahrenheit to celsius
def convertFahrenheit(temperature):
    celsius = temperature - 32
    celsius = celsius * 0.56
    return celsius

outsideTemp = input("what is the temperature outside?")
outsideTemp = (convertFahrenheit(int(outsideTemp)))
  • Developing procedures
    • Two Types of Procedures
      • one that returns a value
      • on that executes a block of statements
    • important to pick a descriptive name
    • steps: picking a good name, thinking of parameters, making a flowchart, develop procedure
  • Writing Procedures Activity
quizGrade = 32
def currentGrade(currentPoints):    
    currentGrade = currentPoints / 40
    currentGrade = currentGrade * 100
    return currentGrade

newPoints = int(input("how many points do you currently have?"))
newPercent = (currentGrade(int(newPoints)))

if (newPoints > quizGrade):
    newquizGrade = newPercent
    print("your new grade is: " + str(newquizGrade))
    print("your score is still " + str(quizGrade))
your new grade is: 100.0
  • Procedural Abstraction
    • one type of abstraction is procedural: provides a name for a process and allows a procedure to be used only knowing what it does and not how it does it
      • helpful for managing complexity -Subdivision of a program into separate subprograms is called modularity
    • may extract shared features to generalize functionality instead of duplicating code
      • allows for program reuse, which helps manage complexity
    • naming and calling a pre-written procedure
    • include the right arguments so the procedure can do what its supposed to do


  • Write and call a python procedure about something which can help you in school, for example the teacher’s function we spoke about earlier.
  • Points will be awarded based on creativity and functionality
  • AP English Vocab study database
    • search/add/delete functions
      • add/delete terms.
      • quickly search for terms already in the database
    • all three functions are called in the main function which is called at the bottom of the code cell
infoDb = []

    "Word": "Pristine",
    "Definition": "Pure, clean",

    "Word": "Expiation",
    "Definition": "Atonement",

def print_data2(d_rec): #formatting
    print("Word:", d_rec["Word"])  # using comma puts space between values
    print("\t", "Definition:", d_rec["Definition"]) # \t is a tab indent

def data_entry(): #defining the function that asks for user input
    Word = input("What vocab word would you like to save in the database?")
    Definition = input("What is the definition of the vocab word?")

    infoDb.append({ #appends the user input to the dictionary
        "Word": Word,
        "Definition": Definition,

def search_data(word):
    for record in infoDb:
        if record["Word"] == word: #compares the already existing word to the word inputted with the word variable
            return record

    return NULL

def data_delete(word):
    record = search_data(word) #defines record as the word inputted with the search function
    if (record != NULL): #if the record doesn't equal null (does it exist?) then the next line removes it
        print(word, "has been deleted!")
        print("Record not found!")

def main():
    Continue = True #defining continue as true
    while Continue:
        lol = input("What would you like to do (add/search/delete, type no if you want to exit)?")
        if lol == "no":
            print("Come back again!")
            Continue = False
        elif lol == "add":
        elif lol == "search":
            word = input("What word do you want to search?")
            record = search_data(word) #defines record as the input "word" and runs it through the search function
        elif lol == "delete":
            word = input("What word do you want to delete")
            print("Invalid input. Please try again")

    length = len(infoDb) #defines length as the number of records
    print("Total Number of Words: ", length) 
    for record in infoDb:
Word: Pristine
	 Definition: Pure, clean

Come back again!
Total Number of Words:  3
Word: Pristine
	 Definition: Pure, clean

Word: Expiation
	 Definition: Atonement

Word: veneration
	 Definition: respect