Python, RapidAPI Terms

APIs and tooling like Jupyter docs allows many opportunities in fields like Data Science. As more and more developers use APIs, they build standards in how you setup a client, send requests and receive information...

Getting an API

To begin the API journey. You need to find an API provider.

  • RapidAPI is a great option. You must setup and account, but there are many free options.
  • Goto this page for starters, the RapidAPI Hub- Under Code Snippets pick Python - Requests

RapidAPI, you will select Python Requests type of code to work with you Notebook.

  • The url is the endpoint to which the API is directed
  • The headers is a dictionary data structure to send special messaging to the endpoint
  • The requests.request() python function is used to send a request and retrieve their responses
  • The response variable receives result of of the request in JSON text

Next step, is to format the response according to your data science needs

Requests is a HTTP library for the Python programming language. 
The goal of the project is to make HTTP requests simpler and more human-friendly. 
import requests

RapidAPI is the world's largest API Marketplace. 
Developers use Rapid API to discover and connect to thousands of APIs. 
url = ""
headers = {
    'x-rapidapi-key': "dec069b877msh0d9d0827664078cp1a18fajsn2afac35ae063",
    'x-rapidapi-host': ""

# Request Covid Data
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
#print(response.text)  # uncomment this line to see raw data

# This code looks for "world data"
print("World Totals")
world = response.json().get('world_total')  # turn response to json() so we can extract "world_total"
for key, value in world.items():  # this finds key, value pairs in country
    print(key, value)


# This code looks for USA in "countries_stats"
print("Country Totals")
countries = response.json().get('countries_stat')
for country in countries:  # countries is a list
    if country["country_name"] == "USA":  # this filters for USA
        for key, value in country.items():  # this finds key, value pairs in country
            print(key, value)

VASE Project API

This API shows publications, symptoms, treatment, funding, and grants for medical and health.

import requests

url = ""

querystring = {"AuthenticationID":"DEMO_AuthenticationID"}

headers = {
	"X-RapidAPI-Key": "59ac7d2cadmsh664b50412aa531bp133fd0jsn1da9685dbdb5",
	"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


for symptom in response.json():
	stext = symptom.get("symptom")
	if ("[" not in stext):
		print(stext.strip() + ": " + symptom.get("category"))
rapid breathing: Breathing
hurried respiration: Breathing
hyperventilation: Breathing
overbreathing: Breathing
breathing faster or deeper than normal: Breathing
increased breathing rate: Breathing
hurried breathing: Breathing
labored and unusually rapid breathing: Breathing
lethargy: Catastasis
confusion: Cognitive problems
anxiety: Cognitive problems
turmoil: Cognitive problems
tumult: Cognitive problems
disarray: Cognitive problems
commotion: Cognitive problems
agitation: Cognitive problems
restlessness: Cognitive problems
disorientation: Cognitive problems
nervousness: Cognitive problems
stupor: Catastasis
coma: Catastasis
easy fatigue: Catastasis
shortness of breath: Breathing
wheezing: Breathing
dyspnea: Breathing
dyspnoea: Breathing
breathlessness: Breathing
apnea: Breathing
wheeze: Breathing
labored breathing: Breathing
chest tightness: Breathing
sleepiness: Catastasis
hand tremor: Muscles
hand trembling: Muscles
hand shiver: Muscles
hand shudder: Muscles
hand tremble: Muscles
hand thrill: Muscles
lightheadedness: Catastasis
muscle twitching: Muscles
muscular contraction: Muscles
clonus: Muscles
tick: Muscles
teak: Muscles
tic: Muscles
ticking: Muscles
drill: Muscles
nausea: Catastasis
vomiting: Catastasis
vomit: Catastasis
emesis: Catastasis
retching: Catastasis
puke: Catastasis
vomitus: Catastasis
numbness or tingling in the face: Muscles
numbness or tingling in the hands: Muscles
numbness or tingling in the feet: Muscles
muscle spasms: Muscles
tetany: Muscles
tetanilla: Muscles
muscle cramp: Muscles
muscle convulsion: Muscles
muscle kink: Muscles
convulsions: Muscles
fever: Catastasis
low blood pressure: Catastasis
hypotension: Catastasis
blood in urine: Blood
protein in the urine: Urination
proteinuria: Urination
blood in the stool: Blood
headache: Pains
migraine: Pains
cephalgia: Pains
cephalalgia: Pains
woe: Pains
encephalalgia: Pains
small red dots on the skin: Skin
mucosal bleeding: Blood
epistaxis: Blood
bleeding from the nose: Blood
nose bleeding: Blood
gums bleeding: Blood
mouth bleeding: Blood
nosebleed: Blood
blackening of the skin: Skin
chest pain: Pains
cardiac pain: Pains
angina: Pains
chest pain on exertion: Pains
tightness: Pains
squeezing sensation of the chest: Pains
coughing up blood: Blood
difficulty breathing: Breathing
trouble breathing: Breathing
abdominal pain: Pains
decreased body hair: Skin
baldness: Skin
hair loss: Skin
alopecia: Skin
calvities: Skin
acomia: Skin
loss of hair: Skin
thinning hair: Skin
balding: Skin
dehydration: Catastasis
diarrhea: Stools
frequent bowel movements: Stools
flux: Stools
looseness: Stools
scour: Stools
intermittent diarrhea: Stools
constipation: Stools
fainting: Catastasis
unconsciousness: Catastasis
loss of consciousness: Catastasis
apsychia: Catastasis
faintness: Catastasis
insensibility: Catastasis
faint: Catastasis
syncope: Catastasis
swoon: Catastasis
fainting-fit: Catastasis
near fainting: Catastasis
fatigue: Catastasis
hyperpigmentation: Skin
dark patches of skin: Skin
darkening of the skin that's not related to sun exposure: Skin
darkening of skin color: Skin
discoloration: Skin
freckles: Skin
mottled skin: Skin
joint aches: Pains
muscle aches: Pains
muscle pain: Pains
muscle soreness: Pains
low blood sugar: Catastasis
muscle weakness: Muscles
myasthenia: Muscles
weight loss: Catastasis
salt craving: Appetite
foamy urine: Urination
hands swelling: Skin
feet swelling: Skin
face swelling: Skin
swelling: Skin
edema: Skin
hypostasis: Skin
puffy face: Skin
swollen face: Skin
edematous face: Skin
hydropic face: Skin
dropsical face: Skin
succulent face: Skin
abdomen swelling: Abdomen
redness: Skin
reddening: Skin
redden: Skin
rubor: Skin
rubeosis: Skin
ruddiness: Skin
skin redness: Skin
pain: Pains
pale skin: Skin
pallor: Skin
paleness: Skin
whiteness: Skin
pallescence: Skin
feebleness: Skin
pale-looking skin: Skin
fast heartbeat: Heart
irregular heartbeat: Heart
arrhythmia: Heart
arhythmia: Heart
anisorhythmia: Heart
abnormal heart rhythm: Heart
cognitive problems: Cognitive problems
loss of higher reasoning: Cognitive problems
difficulties with judgment and reasoning: Cognitive problems
forgetfulness: Cognitive problems
learning disabilities: Cognitive problems
problems with comprehension or understanding: Cognitive problems
concentration difficulties: Cognitive problems
decreased intelligence: Cognitive problems
impaired arithmetic, organizational, and language skills: Cognitive problems
problems performing multiple tasks: Cognitive problems
behavioral and emotional changes: Cognitive problems
delirium: Cognitive problems
delusion: Cognitive problems
ravings: Cognitive problems
drivel: Cognitive problems
rave: Cognitive problems
wanderings: Cognitive problems
cold extremities: Catastasis
brittle nails: Tissues
nail abnormalities: Tissues
nail dystrophy: Tissues
thickened nails: Tissues
pitted or ridged nails: Tissues
disfiguring nails: Tissues
spoon-shaped nails: Tissues
swollen tongue: Tissues
enlarged tongue: Tissues
sore tongue: Tissues
cracks or ulcers at the corners of the mouth: Oral
craving to eat unusual non-food substances such as ice or dirt: Appetite
slow reflexes: Catastasis
slow reaction: Catastasis
loss of balance: Vestibular
unsteady walking: Vestibular
unsteady gait: Vestibular
difficulty walking: Vestibular
depression: Cognitive problems
dementia: Cognitive problems
aphrenia: Cognitive problems
feeble-mindedness: Cognitive problems
mental debility: Cognitive problems
prolonged bleeding: Blood
easy bruising: Skin
bruise: Skin
mar: Skin
extravasation: Skin
hematoma: Skin
purplish bruises caused by bleeding under the skin: Skin
increased number and severity of infections: Catastasis
pulmonary hypertension: Heart
increased pressure over the pulmonary artery: Heart
ventricular heart failure: Heart
blindness: Catastasis
Loss of vision: Catastasis
deafness: Catastasis
facial feature abnormalities: Catastasis
larger and broader facial features: Catastasis
coarse facial features: Catastasis
thickening of the lips tongue and nostrils: Catastasis
broad nose and flared nostrils: Catastasis
inability to feel pain: Pains
stillbirth: Obstetric
dead birth: Obstetric
absence of brain: Brain
malformation of brainstem: Brain
absence of skull bone normally surrounding the brain: Brain
neonatal death: Obstetric
newborn death: Obstetric
death of newborn: Obstetric
loss of appetite: Appetite
numbness: Catastasis
pain in the lower back: Pains
pain in hips: Pains
stiffness in the lower back: Pains
stiffness in hips: Pains
reddened eyes: Eyes
eye pain: Eyes
pressure in eyes: Eyes
pain during eye movement: Eyes
optic neuritis: Eyes
sensitivity to light: Eyes
blurred vision: Eyes
diffuse vision: Eyes
indistinct vision: Eyes
nebulous vision: Eyes
reduced vision: Eyes
vision abnormalities: Eyes
disturbed vision: Eyes
heart valve inflammation: Heart
coughing: Breathing
cough: Breathing
hacking cough: Breathing
persistent cough: Breathing
dry cough: Breathing
coughing at night: Breathing
wheezing or coughing after exercise: Breathing
short breath during exercise: Breathing
shortness of breath with activity: Breathing
trouble sleeping: Catastasis
cramps: Abdomen
gripe: Abdomen
cramp: Abdomen
griping: Abdomen
bellyache: Abdomen
wring: Abdomen
itchy eyes: Eyes
sore throat: Oral
tickle in the throat: Oral
itchy throat: Oral
itchy roof of mouth: Oral
sneezing: Breathing
joint swelling: Pains
joint stiffness: Pains
joint redness: Pains
deformed joints: Pains
joint cracking: Pains
joint creaking: Pains
joint tenderness: Pains
joint loss of flexibility: Pains
joint grating sensation: Pains
joint bone spurs: Pains
sores: Skin
boils: Skin
pus in hair follicles: Skin
abscesses: Skin
carbuncles: Skin
sty: Skin
impetigo: Skin
granulomas: Skin
chills: Catastasis
shaking chills: Catastasis
chill: Catastasis
rigor: Catastasis
shakes: Catastasis
dither: Catastasis
algor: Catastasis
sweating: Skin
lower-than-normal body temperature: Catastasis
low body temperature: Catastasis
chest pain that fluctuates with breathing: Breathing
sluggishness: Catastasis
tardiness: Catastasis
deliberation: Catastasis
sloth: Catastasis
heaviness: Catastasis
non mentally alert: Catastasis
non-vigilantly attentive: Catastasis
non-watchful: Catastasis
dry skin: Skin
weight gain: Catastasis
get fat: Catastasis
muscle tenderness: Muscles
muscle stiffness: Muscles
muscle wasting: Muscles
rigid muscles: Muscles
menorrhagia: Blood
sensitivity to cold: Catastasis
intolerance to cold: Catastasis
blood in the vomit: Blood
hoarse voice: Breathing
raucous voice: Breathing
husky voice: Breathing
throaty voice: Breathing
wheezy voice: Breathing
gruff voice: Breathing
hoarseness: Breathing
deepened voice: Breathing
high cholesterol: Blood
irritability: Cognitive problems
irascibility: Cognitive problems
petulance: Cognitive problems
temper: Cognitive problems
impatience: Cognitive problems
peevishness: Cognitive problems
sensitivity to heat: Catastasis
thyroid gland enlargement: Catastasis
goiter: Catastasis
change in menstrual cycles: Sexual
erectile dysfunction: Sexual
male impotence: Sexual
reduced libido: Sexual
sexual dysfunction: Sexual
decreased libido: Sexual
decreased sexual interest: Sexual
low sex drive: Sexual
bulging eyes: Eyes
dry eyes: Eyes
irritated eyes: Eyes
gritty sensation in the eyes: Eyes
eyes that are burn itch or feel gritty: Eyes
puffy eyelids: Eyes
double vision: Eyes
limited eye movements: Eyes
corneal ulcer: Eyes
ulcers on the cornea: Eyes
ulcerative keratitis: Eyes
eyesore: Eyes
reddening and thickening of the skin: Skin
weak urine stream: Urination
decreased force in the stream of urine: Urination
slow urine flow: Urination
trouble urinating: Urination
frequent urination: Urination
urgent need to urinate: Urination
urinary urgency: Urination
loss of bladder control: Urination
urge to urinate: Urination
needing to urinate more often than normal: Urination
increased frequency of urination at night: Urination
not being able to completely empty the bladder: Urination
continuous feeling of a full bladder: Urination
urinary tract infection: Urination
formation of stones in the bladder: Urination
reduced kidney function: Urination
dark urine: Urination
dark-colored urine: Urination
blood in the semen: Blood
pain in the pelvic area: Pains
pelvic pain: Pains
pelvis pain: Pains
discomfort in the pelvic area: Pains
pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles: Pains
pain in the groin: Pains
bone pain: Pains
pain when urinating: Pains
burning sensation when urinating: Pains
dysuria: Pains
burning feeling when urinate: Pains
painful urination: Pains
pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum: Pains
painful orgasms: Pains
painful ejaculations: Pains
pain during sexual intercourse: Pains
pain during intercourse: Pains
pyuria: Urination
flank pain: Pains
over the kidneys pain: Pains
pain felt near the kidneys: Pains
tumor: Skin
soreness: Catastasis
morbidity: Catastasis
painfulness: Catastasis
sickliness: Catastasis
morbidness: Catastasis
delicacy: Catastasis
itching: Skin
unusual discharge from the genitals: Urination
heavy bleeding from small cuts or dental work: Blood
swollen lymph nodes: Tissues
lymphadenitis: Tissues
lymph nodes swelling: Tissues
swollen lymph glands: Tissues
enlarged lymph nodes: Tissues
enlarged liver: Tissues
swollen spleen: Tissues
spleen swelling: Tissues
enlarged spleen: Tissues
swollen kidneys: Tissues
swollen testicles: Tissues
testicles swelling: Tissues
swelling and/or lump in one or both of the testes: Tissues
seizures: Catastasis
pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in legs or arms: Catastasis
leg pain: Catastasis
sudden numbness or weakness in arms or legs: Catastasis
fluttering in chest: Heart
slow heartbeat: Heart
bradycardia: Heart
heart murmur: Heart
pale gray or blue skin color: Skin
cyanosis: Skin
asphyxia: Skin
bluishness: Skin
cyanose: Skin
gray-blue skin: Skin
clammy bluish-colored skin: Skin
ankles swelling: Skin
easily becoming short of breath during exercise or activity: Catastasis
easily tiring during exercise or activity: Catastasis
built-up fluid in the heart or lungs: Heart
bloating of the abdomen with fluid: Abdomen
bloating: Abdomen
abdominal bloating: Abdomen
abdominal distention: Abdomen
abdominal cramps and gas: Abdomen
increase in the size of abdomen: Abdomen
bloating after meals: Abdomen
pericarditis, which affects the tissue surrounding the heart: Heart
myocarditis, which affects the muscular middle layer of the walls of the heart: Heart
myocardium: Heart
endocarditis, which affects the inner membrane that separates the chambers and heart valves: Heart
anemia: Catastasis
indigestion: Stools
skin rash: Skin
itchy and blistering skin: Skin
blisters: Skin
hives: Skin
mouth sores: Oral
tooth pain: Oral
tooth ache: Oral
dental condition: Oral
bone fracture: Pains
stooped posture: Catastasis
curved spine: Catastasis
hunched: Catastasis
foul-smelling or grayish stools that may be fatty or oily: Stools
stunted growth: Catastasis
reduced growth rate in human development: Catastasis
delayed growth or sexual development in children: Catastasis
growth retardation: Catastasis
growth failure: Catastasis
delayed puberty: Catastasis
poor growth: Catastasis
changes in dental enamel: Oral
flatulence: Stools
meteorism: Stools
flatulency: Stools
tympanites: Stools
aerocolia: Stools
tympania: Stools
jaundice: Skin
clay-coloured feces: Stools
clay-colored stool: Stools
pale-colored stool: Stools
putty-colored stool: Stools
pale bowel movements: Stools
tenderness in the area of liver: Pains
recurring respiratory infections: Breathing
repeated lung infections: Breathing
barrel-shaped chest: Catastasis
milky nipple discharge: Sexual
milky white discharge from nipples unrelated to breastfeeding: Sexual
breast milk production: Sexual
galactohhrea: Sexual
spontaneous flow of milk from the breast: Sexual
excess facial hair: Skin
greasy hair: Skin
oily skin: Skin
acne: Skin
small red or purplish acne: Skin
breakouts on the shoulders and back: Skin
more frequent acne: Skin
gynecomastia: Tissues
bad breath: Breathing
cutaneous striae in the deltopectoral area: Skin
increased body hair: Skin
increased length and thickness in hair (on body parts other than the head): Skin
skin eruptions: Skin
drastic appetite shifts: Appetite
appetite changes: Appetite
extreme hunger or lessened/loss of appetite: Appetite
overeating or undereating: Appetite
disrupted sleep patterns: Catastasis
needle stick marks in the buttocks, thighs, or deltoids: Skin
increased muscle size: Muscles
testicular atrophy: Sexual
hyperactivity: Catastasis
high blood pressure: Catastasis
elevated blood pressure: Catastasis
hypertension: Catastasis
regurgitation: Abdomen
heartburn: Abdomen
pyrosis: Abdomen
brash: Abdomen
epigastric burning: Abdomen
water brash: Abdomen
sour taste in mouth: Abdomen
esophageal reflux: Abdomen
difficulty swallowing: Abdomen
painful swallowing: Abdomen
odynophagia: Abdomen
pink or purple stretch marks (striae) on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts and arms: Skin
slow skin healing: Skin
slow healing of cuts; insect bites and infections: Skin
poor wound healing: Skin
sores that are not heal: Skin
palpitations: Heart
enlarged clitoris: Sexual
hallucinations: Cognitive problems
paranoia: Cognitive problems
red urine: Urination
skin swelling: Skin
decreased urine output: Urination
restless legs syndrome: Cognitive problems
painful menstruation: Pains
kidney stones: Urination
renal calculi: Urination
excessive thirst: Catastasis
fruity-scented breath: Breathing
fruity odor to the breath: Breathing
smell fruity breath: Breathing
fruity breath odor: Breathing
abdominal pain that radiates to back: Pains
abdominal pain that feels worse after eating: Pains
abdominal symptoms that occur within minutes after a meal: Pains
social withdrawal: Cognitive problems
lack of motivation or focus: Cognitive problems
absence in desire: Cognitive problems
lack of enthusiasm: Cognitive problems
deficiency in desire: Cognitive problems
inability to urinate: Urination
increased hunger: Appetite
increased appetite: Appetite
tender breasts: Pregnancy
increased urine output: Urination
excretion of an excessive amount of diluted urine: Urination
excessive urine production: Urination
cramping: Pregnancy
no signs of pregnancy: Pregnancy
loss of pregnancy symptoms: Pregnancy
frequent contractions - a tightening sensation in the abdomen: Pregnancy
constant low dull backache: Pregnancy
sensation of pelvic or lower abdominal pressure: Pregnancy
mild abdominal cramps: Pregnancy
watery vaginal discharge (water breaking): Pregnancy
change in vaginal discharge: Pregnancy
change in color: Pregnancy
odor or amount of discharge from vagina: Pregnancy
shoulder pain: Pains
an urge to have a bowel movement: Stools
shock: Catastasis
temporary loss of vision: Eyes
sudden vision loss: Eyes
partial loss of vision: Eyes
no symptoms: Catastasis
facial pain: Pains
swollen blue-colored skin under the eyes: Eyes
decreased sense of smell or taste: Catastasis
red to brownish-gray colored patches: Skin
small, raised bumps, which may leak fluid and crust over when scratched: Skin
raw, sensitive skin from scratching: Skin
burns or redness around the mouth and lips: Poison
breath that smells like chemicals, such as gasoline or paint thinner: Poison
lips or fingernails turn blue or gray: Catastasis
difficulty speaking: Catastasis
pain in the calf muscles when walking: Pains
claudication: Pains
decreased pulses in the feet: Heart
weight changes including unintended loss or gain: Catastasis
unexplained weight gain or loss: Catastasis
changes to existing moles: Skin
weak hand grip: Muscles
hand weakness: Muscles
purple or violet colored upper eyelids: Eyes
purple-red skin rash: Skin
purple skin splotches: Skin
difficulty raising arms over head: Catastasis
swollen tips of the fingers or toes: Tissues
pain in  tips of the fingers or toes: Pains
red patches of skin covered with silvery scales: Skin
small scaling spots: Skin
buttocks pain: Pains
pulsating feeling near the navel: Catastasis
cold foot: Catastasis
black or blue painful toe: Catastasis
cold fingers and toes: Catastasis
sequence of color changes in skin in response to cold or stress: Skin
numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain upon warming or relief of stress: Catastasis
claudication: Pains
legs' and feet's (arms and hands) pain affects even when you are at rest: Pains
pain that may come and go in legs and feet or arms and hands: Pains
inflammation along a vein just below the skin's surface (due to a blood clot in the vein): Tissues
painful open sores on fingers and toes: Skin
ulcers on the fingers or toes: Skin
veins protrude or bulge from under the skin and feel ropey: Skin
sores around varicose veins: Skin
skin ulcers around varicose veins: Skin
ongoing irritation, swelling, and painful rashes on the legs: Skin
legs often ache and feel heavy and itchy: Pains
burning or itching sensation in the legs: Pains
distention of surface veins: Skin
skin that feels warm to the touch: Skin
skin warmth: Skin
tight fitting rings or shoes: Skin
infections in the extremity: Skin
drainage in swollen areas: Skin
heaviness of the limb: Muscles
less flexibility: Muscles
movement issues in an arm or leg: Muscles
pain in arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back accompanying chest pain: Heart
gradual loss of peripheral vision, usually in both eyes: Eyes
tunnel vision in the advanced stages: Eyes
sudden onset of visual disturbance, often in low light: Eyes
halos around lights: Eyes
prosthetic heart valve replacement: Heart
fewer PMS symptoms: Pregnancy
dark hair growth in man-like places, on the lips, chest, and chin: Skin
excess facial and body hair in woman: Skin
excess androgen in woman: Skin
severe adolescent acne in woman: Skin
male-pattern baldness in woman: Skin
androgenic alopecia in woman: Skin
low sperm count: Sexual
pain, lump, or swelling in the testicles: Sexual
pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum: Sexual
small, firm testes: Sexual
vaginal dryness: Sexual
hot flashes: Sexual
loss of breast fullness: Sexual
increased abdominal fat: Abdomen
tingling or burning in fingertips, toes and lips: Pains
paresthesias: Pains
twitching or spasms of muscles around mouth: Muscles
patchy hair loss: Skin
thinning of eyebrows: Skin
loss of armpit or pubic hair: Skin
stress: Cognitive problems
too much exercises: Catastasis
too much physical activities: Catastasis
excessive exercise: Catastasis
rectal pain: Pains
feeling of stool urgency: Stools
urgent need bowel movements: Stools
bowel movements urgency: Stools
feeling of constantly needing to pass stools: Stools
tenesmus: Stools
intestine ulcers: Abdomen
having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom: Cognitive problems
fear of loss of control or death: Cognitive problems
feeling apprehensive: Cognitive problems
feeling of extreme fright: Cognitive problems
fright: Cognitive problems
scare: Cognitive problems
feel panic: Cognitive problems
panic: Cognitive problems
panic attack: Cognitive problems
fear: Cognitive problems
disfiguring skin sores may occur on nose, cheeks and ears: Skin
trembling: Cognitive problems
shiver: Cognitive problems
tremors: Cognitive problems
uncontrolled movements: Cognitive problems
vaginal itching: Sexual
fatty skin deposits over parts of the hands, elbows, knees, ankles, and around the cornea of the eye: Skin
xanthomas: Skin
cholesterol deposits in the eyelids: Eyes
areas of skin may get darker or lighter in color: Skin
skin that is abnormally dark or light: Skin
nodules under skin: Skin
skin thickening, stiffness, and tightness of fingers, hands, and forearm: Skin
small white lumps beneath the skin, sometimes oozing a white substance that looks like toothpaste: Skin
sores (ulcers) on the fingertips or toes: Skin
tight and mask-like skin on the face: Skin
wrist pain: Pains
fingers pain: Pains
problems controlling stools: Stools
dry mouth: Oral
mouth feels like it is full of cotton: Oral
swollen salivary glands: Oral
osteomalacia: Tissues
malacosteon: Tissues
soft bones: Tissues
softening of the bones: Tissues
rickets: Catastasis
skeletal deformities: Tissues
skeletal limb abnormalities: Tissues
bowed legs: Tissues
abnormally curved spine: Tissues
thickened wrists and ankles: Tissues
breastbone projection: Tissues
abnormal bone size or shape and other skeletal irregularities: Tissues
pain in the spine: Pains
red, flat facial rash over the bridge of nose: Skin
facial rash ("butterfly rash"): Skin
brittle hair: Skin
malaise: Catastasis
poor health: Catastasis
general sense of not feeling well: Catastasis
feel unwell: Catastasis
uneasiness: Catastasis
general malaise: Catastasis
vague feeling of illness: Catastasis
feeling sick: Catastasis
frequent complaints of illness with no apparent cause: Catastasis
gangrene skin ranging from pale to blue, purple, black, bronze or red: Skin
foul-smelling discharge leaking from a sore: Skin
frostbite: Skin
temperature regulation abnormalities: Catastasis
temperature-regulating system problems: Catastasis
dizziness on standing: Catastasis
inability to have a bowel movement: Stools
basal body temperature stays high: Pregnancy
claw-like hands: Catastasis
protrusion of the lower jaw so the lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth: Oral
small skin outgrowths: Skin
skin tags: Skin
snoring: Breathing
sleep apnea: Breathing
frequent brief interruptions in nighttime breathing: Breathing
breathing intermittently stops during sleep: Breathing
enlarged liver, heart, kidneys, spleen and other organs: Tissues
increased sensitivity to the effects of alcohol: Pains
pain in lymph nodes after drinking alcohol: Pains
failure to release milk (in women): Sexual
protruding tongue: Catastasis
skin lesions on the back: Skin
skin lesions on upper arms: Skin
progressive loss of hearing: Catastasis
carpal tunnel syndrome: Pains
entrapment median neuropathy: Pains
fullness: Catastasis
general epigastric discomfort: Pains
pain in upper middle abdomen: Pains
left arm pain: Heart
nail weakness: Tissues
nail loss: Tissues
blood underneath the nail: Blood
fibro fog: Cognitive problems
loss of mental clarity and problems with memory: Cognitive problems
brain fog: Cognitive problems
lapses in memory; word mix-ups and difficulty concentrating: Cognitive problems
difficulty thinking clearly: Cognitive problems
cravings for carbohydrate and chocolate: Appetite
delayed reactions to physical exertion or stressful events: Cognitive problems
morning stiffness: Pains
diffuse swelling: Pains
interstitial edema: Pains
ringing ears: Ears
earaches: Ears
itchy ears: Ears
pain in ears: Ears
teeth grinding: Oral
directional disorientation: Cognitive problems
sensitivity to odors: Catastasis
sensitivity to noise: Catastasis
difficulty lifting the front part of foot and toes: Muscles
tongue cramps and twitching: Muscles
bullseye rash pattern: Skin
chest pain under the rib cage: Pains
lumps of tissue under the skin on the chest: Skin
lumps of tissue in the abdomen: Skin
electric-shock sensations that occur with certain head movements: Pains
switch between constipation and diarrhea or mostly have one or the other: Stools
diarrhea or constipation; sometimes even alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea: Stools
mucus in the stool: Stools
gray hair: Skin
go gray (hair): Skin
loss of sensation in one or more areas of the body: Catastasis
loss of fine motor skills, such as picking up objects: Muscles
loss of muscle coordination: Muscles
bladder and prostate gland can become inflamed: Urination
thoughts of self-harm: Cognitive problems
suicide: Cognitive problems
red, painless skin spots on the palms and soles: Skin
red, painful nodes in the pads of the fingers and toes: Skin
Osler's nodes: Skin
lump in neck: Pains
ear infection: Ears
cysts in the ear: Ears
fluid that oozes from the ear: Ears
pain in throat: Pains
pain in neck: Pains
stiff neck: Pains
chalky stool: Stools
bleeding from enlarged veins (varices) in the digestive tract: Blood
variceal bleeding: Blood
abdominal tenderness: Abdomen
problems controlling urination: Urination
urine leakage: Urination
urine incontinence: Urination
loss of urination control: Urination
pain behind the eyes: Eyes
cough may bring up mucus: Breathing
coughing up yellow phlegm: Breathing
cough that produces thick spit (sputum) and mucus: Breathing
difficulty breathing when lying down: Breathing
feel air hunger or drowning: Breathing
feeling wakes from sleep and causes to sit up and try to catch breath: Breathing
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea: Breathing
grunting, gurgling, or wheezing sounds with breathing: Breathing
weak, rapid, and thready pulse: Heart
S3 gallop: Heart
exophthalmos: Eyes
visible pulsation of eyes: Eyes
distention of neck veins: Skin
sharp, piercing chest pain over the center or left side of your chest: Pains
intestinal blockage: Abdomen
bluish discoloration of the fingers: Catastasis
afraid of gaining weight: Cognitive problems
changed ability to feel pain, touch, pressure, or different temperatures: Catastasis
difficulty writing or reading: Cognitive problems
numbness or tingling on one side of the body: Muscles
back pain between shoulder blades: Pains
pain in right shoulder: Pains
anal itching: Stools
bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool, or in the toilet bowl: Stools
painless bleeding during bowel movements: Stools
lump near anus, which may be sensitive or painful: Stools
swelling around your anus: Stools
leakage of feces: Stools
pain during bowel movements: Pains
pain is often sudden, severe and located in the lower left side of the abdomen: Pains
pain in upper arms: Pains
stiffness in affected areas, particularly in the morning or after being inactive for a long time, such as a long car ride: Pains
scalp tenderness: Pains
scalp sensitivity: Pains
scalp pain: Pains
tenderness of the scalp: Pains
pain in the jaw when repetitively chewing: Pains
slowed movement: Catastasis
bradykinesia: Catastasis
decreased ability to perform unconscious movements: blinking, smiling or swinging arms when walking: Catastasis
paroxysms (fits) of many, rapid coughs followed by a high-pitched "whoop": Breathing
paroxysms of intense coughing lasting up to several minutes occasionally followed by a loud whoop: Breathing
painful and prolonged erection: Sexual
small size at birth: Catastasis
low birth weight: Catastasis
blisters or ulcers on genitals: Skin
sudden, sharp chest pain on the same side as the affected lung: Breathing
chest pain  doesn't worsen when breathe in and out: Breathing
pathognomonic enanthem: Tissues
wide or web-like neck: Turner Syndrome
receding or small lower jaw: Turner Syndrome
high, narrow roof of the mouth (palate): Turner Syndrome
low-set ears: Turner Syndrome
low hairline at the back of the head: Turner Syndrome
drooping eyelids: Turner Syndrome
broad chest with widely spaced nipples: Turner Syndrome
short fingers and toes: Turner Syndrome
arms that turn outward at the elbows (cubitus valgus): Turner Syndrome
fingernails turned upward: Turner Syndrome
inability to conceive a child without fertility treatment: Turner Syndrome
short stature: Catastasis
difficulty in social situations, such as problems understanding other people's emotions or reactions: Cognitive problems
redness, throbbing and burning pain in the hands and feet: Pains
impaired growth of body hair: Sexual
decrease in beard and body hair growth: Sexual
decrease in muscle mass: Muscles
impaired growth of the penis and testicles: Sexual
sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum: Sexual
infertility: Sexual
tongue biting: Tissues
drooling and froth in mouth after night sleep: Catastasis
person forgets what has happened at night sleep: Catastasis
shaking of body or particular limb in sleep: Catastasis
teeth clenching at night sleep: Catastasis
muscle spasms resulting in jerks and twitches at night sleep: Muscles
increase in daytime drowsiness: Catastasis
wake up with headache after night sleep: Catastasis
headache when getting up: Catastasis
unwanted erection lasting more than four hours: Sexual
rigid penile shaft, but usually soft tip of penis (glans): Sexual
erection not related to sexual stimulation or persistent after stimulation: Sexual
loose teeth when it would not expected or swollen gums: Oral