Night of the Museum Blog

Our Project

Our project focused on a theme of cars. We wanted to create a website that allowed users to filter and discover cars they may potentially buy with ease and efficiency. We achieved this goal by creating several features. Our first was a car filter tool that allows the user to filter through a database of cars using filters for brand, color, type, powersource, and price range. Second, we have a specs quiz that helps users narrow down a choice using a quiz asking about specific specs. Third, we made a wishlist in which users can save cars that they like in one organized area.

Here are some photos of our exhibit and us presenting our project to people at the event

Other Exhibits

In addition to our own exhibit, many other classes were displaying the work they completed this trimester. These classes include 3D Animation, ceramics, and drawing and painting.

Here are some really interesting ceramic pieces that we saw. We all thought that the art was very unique and fun. There were many different forms for the ceramic projects including animals, cups, buildings, and even food.