Vivian Ni

User Profile JavaScript/HTML Lesson

Update/Delete User Info In this section we will be explaining how data for the user would be updated and deleted in the Java Springboot backend. First, make sure you have this repository clone...

Spring Roles for User/Admin

Lesson Materials Our lesson uses backend code from this repository. If you want to follow along in this lesson, please git clone with the line below and run Main.java to use localhost: git clone ...

Spring POST Lesson

UML Backend Diagram Link to IMG: https://ibb.co/dmJMqJD SPRING POST Comprehensive Guide to RESTful API Methods and HTTP Status Codes for Users RESTful API Methods for Users 1. GET: /users D...

Login Lesson

Login and Sign up Page Lesson Sign up/Login Wireframes What the common HTML elements needed Container: The Div that holds all the elements inside of it, first layer Common SASS that...

Individual Blog Check

Tri 1 Pocket Therapist Project Purpose Your Pocket Therapist uses an AI Face algorithm to accurately understand the user’s emotions and provide advice/quotes in response. Assets user-friendly i...

2015 MCQ

Corrections the correct answer is II and III A method signature consists of the method name and the ordered list of parameter types. Choice I will cause a compiler error if a...

Java Exploits and Cybersecurity

HTTP vs HTTPS Sites These are the two types of sites, HTTP being insecure and HTTPS being secure. There are two types of sites, HTTP and HTTPS sites. One is obviously more secure than the othe...

HashMaps, HashSets, Collections, SQL Student Lessons

Collections What are collections? Collections are any group of individual objects that are represented as a single unit is known as a Java Collection of Objects. In Java, a separate framework name...

SASS Lesson

Introduction to SASS SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a powerful preprocessor scripting language that enhances CSS with advanced features. It’s compiled into standard CSS, making it a r...

JQuery and CRUD Hacks

Directions Link to Lesson You really should try to answer the 5 questions below this without any help. These are core concepts that you should at least attempt to learn. The update JQUERY fu...